10 Jun Cheese Blintzes
4 Eggs
½ Cup milk
½ Cup water
1 Cup flour
¼ Cup sugar
Few drops of vanilla essence
1 Pinch of salt
1 Tablespoon of oil
Para el relleno:
2 Cups of cottage cheese (strained)
2 Egg yolks
2 Tablespoons of flour
2 Tablespoons of sugar
1 Teaspoon of vanilla extract
Mix eggs, milk and water. Slowly add flour, sugar and other ingredients to form a mixture for pancakes, you can use an electric mixer or wire whisk. Make pancakes and fill them.
Armar los Blintzes dándoles forma triangular. Colocarlos armados en una asadera, bañarlos con crema y espolvorearlos con canela. Darles un golpecito de horno y servir.
Form blintzes into triangular shape. Place them on a roasting pan, bathe them with cream and sprinkle with cinnamon. Put them in the oven for just a bit and serve.