The 65th Anniversary of the Independence of the State of Israel

The 65th Anniversary of the Independence of the State of Israel was celebrated at Centro de Arte Theatre with the performance of the Israeli group Mayumana and a cocktail party afterwards.


The children from FASINARM (special school for Down Syndrome children) and the elderly from the Plaza Dañín Retirement Home were our special guests at the celebration and had dinner before the show.


When the rest of the guests arrived (some highly respected and leading politicians, entrepreneurs and journalists among them) they were greeted by the Consul General H. of Israel in Guayaquil, Johnny Czarninski, the Ambassador of Israel, Elihayu Yerushalmi, their wives Nilly de Czarninski and  Shulamit Yerushalmi, respectively, and the Israeli military attache in Chile, Colonel Moshe Or.

At the beginning of the show the consul and the ambassador thanked those who had attended the event and played a video that showed the changes and developments that have taken place in Israel.

“Momentum” began at once, a show created by the Israeli group Mayumana; a show full of energy, rhythm and visual effects.  Several theatrical elements were used to explore the meaning of time, the connection between time and rhythm, time and synchronization and its effect on movement.


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