Scientific research and its achievements are no longer merely an abstract intellectual pursuit… but a central factor… in the life of every civilized people…
(David Ben-Gurión, 1962)
Like many other small countries, Israel counts clearly on defined policies towards the scientific and technological activities destined to improve its competitive capacity. In sciences, it stimulates the establishment of centers of first category around outstanding scientists, maintaining a quality level in an ample phantom of scientific fields. In technology, Israel fights to maintain its high level by means of the concentration in a limited number of areas.
The percentage of the Israeli population that it has to do with the scientific research and the technological one, as well as the amount of money that are reversed in investigation and development (IyD), in relation to its Producto Nacional Bruto (PNB) are of highest in the world.
Beginnings | Research & Development | Universities | Industrial | Agro | Medical | Energy